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Welcome to the Source Safe Integrated SQL Query Analyzer.

In March of 2004 we had a vision about a software product that would allow us developers to seamlessly work with stored procedures using SQL Query Analyzer, without the need to open a separate Microsoft SourceSafe session. After over 1 year of development and beta testing, our vision has become a reality, and we bring you SQL Source Safe.

To view a demonstration of this product and it's simplicity please click here: Video Demo

What is it? SQL Source Safe is not like any other SQL utility product out there. Many of the other SQL utilities reinvent the wheel and force developers to use their own proprietary query analyzer. However, our SQL Source Safe product allows developers to use Microsoft's Query Analyzer to check out/in stored procedures into Microsoft SourceSafe directly through the Query Analyzer's Object Browser. This provides a tremendous advantage for those of us accustomed to using Microsoft Query Analyzer, given that we don't have to learn a new interface in order to obtain Microsoft SourceSafe integration.

How it works? SQL Source Safe is one of the most elegant and simple products to use. Each database has a configuration setup form that allows us to tie the database to a SourceSafe project. Once we go through the initial setup form, that database is then connected to a Microsoft SourceSafe Project on the network. The SQL Source Safe utility will then present a set of buttons in the toolbar and modify the context menu for stored procedures so that we can check in/out stored procedure files. The script files in Microsoft SourceSafe are then synchronized with the stored procedure scripts in the database and a history of the changes is maintained in Microsoft SourceSafe.

I am extremely excited about this tool....


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