User Instructions
Steps for installing and using MS SQL Query analyzer with Source safe:

1) Install the software on your MS SQL client, an Icon will appear on your desktop. There is no need to restart your machine, please double click on the SSSQL icon to start the service.

Along with a New icon (SSSQL) added to your system tray collection. This icon contains 2 menu items: Start Service - Will Start the SSQL Service (the service starts automatically by default) and The Menu Item Now Changes to "Stop Service". Exit - Exit will End the Service.

2) Start new MS Query analyzer instance. As you can see, SSSQL has added several new Toolbar Buttons.

In order to enable the source safe options in the stored procedures/ Views menu as shown in the flash demo, you need to configure simple source safe setup:

Source safe configuration window:

Right click on the desire database item in the tree view. Select the "Setup" option from the menu or from the new toolbar button.

The setup window will fill up with the Server name and the selected Database name. Fill up your Source safe information in that setup window.

"Working Folder" field - your local directory where your scripts will be saved.

"VSS DB Path" field - Your directory path to the srcsafe.ini file (Source safe Database). The directory can be located on your local machine or on the network machine (in that case you need to map your network drive).

"Project Name" field - your desired project name inside source safe. That one will create automatically by the SSSQL service. (in the Demo version that field has been setup already and not changeable).

"User name" field - your user name to the selected source safe database's account.

"Password" field - your password to that selected source safe database's account.

"Active" Checkbox - in order to activate your selected database with the source safe features you need to check that option.

- clicking on the "apply" button will save your settings for the selected Database.

Note: The Above Setup Procedure is needed to be done for each database in the Tree View that you want to plug the source safe feature into. Your Source safe setup will apply to all the stored procedures/views inside that database. You can select different source safe setup for each database. After the above Setup, you can expand your selected database and start using source safe features for each stored procedure or view.

Right click on the desire stored procedure/View will expand the menu option with the new source safe features.

"Check Out" option will load your local script from the working folder and check out the script from source safe. If that script does not exists in your local working folder the SQL database script will be load and it will saved in the working folder. Any attempt from another user to check out that script will prompt him with a message that say that the script has been check out already and the message include his/her user name. The "check out" option will change the stored procedure / view icon in the Tree view to Check out icon with red mark on it. The Query editor window's caption will appear with the script path and the script name.

"Check In" option will save the selected stored procedure/view script in the working folder and check in the script to source safe.

The "Check In" option will change the Tree view back to the original icon. . "Undo Check Out" option will return the script to source safe without any changes to it.

"Open Check out File" will replace the "Check Out" Option after you checked out a script. If the script is already opened in the query editor, it will bring that script to the top window. If the script is not open already - it will open the local script from the working folder.

Note: The toolbar Source safe buttons function and apply for the active VSS working folder script.

SSSQL contains another nice feature besides SQL-Source safe integration. It contains script generation for tables. This feature will increase productivity among developers when creating new scripts. Right click on any table in your database to expand the new item menu: "Generate Scripts", from its sub menu, you can select one of 3 options ("Get List", Get Record, "Insert Update").

Note: this feature not require any setup of source as described above.

NOTE: The demo version is only for evaluation purposes only. The SSSQL Software will execute the source safe feature on only half of the scripts. This mean that only half of each script will be saved in the working folder and inside source safe's database.

SSSQL Software does not save or execute any script on the Database server.

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